DescriptionWe highly recommend you to invest in this stylish apartment with a total of 9units, built in 2009 conveniently located in Isogo-ku near Keikyu Line! Residents can easily access two deferent lines. Using Keikyu Main Line, you can reach Yokohama Station in about 10 min and Shinagawa Station in approximately 30 min, making it ideal for commuting to work or school. Rapid and limited express trains are also available, at the neighboring Kamiooka Station, you can connect even more train services.The apartment building has 9 units and all rooms are under lease so you'll be able to get income as soon as you become the owner of this apartment.Yearly rental income is 7,596,000JPY and the gross rate is 5.455%! The area is so popular that if someone were to move in, you would be able to find a new tenant quickly! There is a supermarket and a convenience store within walking distance. Don't miss this excellent chance to find an investment property! LayoutOverviewProperty typeExisting apartmentPrice139,500,000 JPYGross Yield5.455%Location2-14-7 Mori Isogo-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-kenAccess4min walk to Byobugaura Station on the Keikyu Main LineAcceess210min walk to Isogo Station on the Negishi LineBuilding NameSunny Forest IsogoFloor area233.79㎡StructureReinforced concreteYear builtNovember 2009Layout1K × 9unitsLand rightsOwnershipStatusAll rooms are under lease.Handover dateTo be decided Features☑ Mail Boxes☑ Balcony☑ Bicycle parking☑ Separate bathroom☑ System kitchen☑ South facing☑ Two train lines available☑ All rooms are under lease.☑ Popular areaLocation!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3252.400439175025!2d139.6112674752373!3d35.39532364562775!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x6018435759a47f45%253A0x9596c2fbf92ea699!2s2-ch%25C5%258Dme-14-7%2520Mori%252C%2520Isogo%2520Ward%252C%2520Yokohama%252C%2520Kanagawa%2520235-0023!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sjp!4v1731645620109!5m2!1sen!2sjp%22%20width%3D%22600%2't see what you're looking for?Contact us for a free consultation and a personalized curated list of properties specifically with YOUR criteria. Just use the Inquiry form below!