DescriptionAre you looking for a furnished condo in Japan? Since it is not easy to find furnished property in Japan, we are happy to help you find one! This 4LDK condo is located in Suginami City, Tokyo, and it features selected furniture and spectacular view form the balcony! The furniture in this condo is very elegant and fits in this unit! The system kitchen has ample storage and dishwasher, three burner gas stove, making daily cooking easy and convenient. Koenji is known for its lively and artistic impression, with a mix of retro charm and youthful, creative energy. Famous for its live music venues, vintage clothing stores, and indie culture, this area is a hotspot for artists and musicians and ideal for those seeking a dynamic yet laid-back lifestyle in Tokyo.LayoutOverviewProperty typeCondoPrice41,990,000JPYLocation2-48-1 Koenjiminami Suginami-ku TokyoAccess6min walk to Koenji Station on the JR Chuo LineBuilding NamePark Side Mansion KoenjiFloor area55.98㎡Balcony area28.26㎡StructureReinforced ConcreteYear built1970 JulyFloor located5floorLayout2LDKLand rightsOwner shipParkingCurrently Not AvailableManagement typeOutsourced Management fee8600JPY/mRepair Reserve Fund fee15400JPY/mStatusVacantHandover dateTo be decidedFeatures☑ Elevator☑ Mail box☑ Lighting equipment☑ Dishwasher☑ Furnished☑ Fully Renovated☑ Balcony☑ AC☑ DENLocation!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3239.97678050245!2d139.6484855!3d35.702189!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x6018f262c494c2bd%253A0x836a2798a497caa9!2z44CSMTY2LTAwMDMgVG9reW8sIFN1Z2luYW1pIENpdHksIEvFjWVuamltaW5hbWksIDItY2jFjW1l4oiSNDjiiJIxIOODkeODvOOCr-OCteOCpOODieODnuODs-OCt-ODp-ODs-mrmOWGhuWvug!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sjp!4v1734405117937!5m2!1sen!2sjp%22%20width%3D%22600%2't see what you're looking for?Contact us for a free consultation and a personalized curated list of properties specifically with YOUR criteria. Just use the Inquiry form below!